Designing the Perfect Logo: A Mathematical Journey with Draft Edge Concepts Ltd
- draftedgeadmin
In the world of design, every detail matters, especially when it comes to crafting the perfect logo. Today, we delve into the intricate process of designing a logo for Draft Edge Concepts Ltd, where artistry meets mathematics to create a symbol that embodies the essence of the brand.
Background: The Beauty of the Golden Ratio

Before we dive into the specifics of our logo design, let’s take a
moment to appreciate the beauty of the golden ratio. Also known as the
divine proportion, this mathematical concept is found abundantly in
nature, from the spiral of a seashell to the arrangement of petals in
a flower. It’s a ratio that’s pleasing to the eye and often associated
with harmony and balance.
The Elements of Our Logo: Inspired by Drafting

Our logo begins with an abstraction of a pencil, symbolizing the
drafting process that is at the core of Draft Edge Concepts Ltd.It’s
also a symbol that represents creativity and precision, qualities
essential to design and build company. We start by constructing an
isosceles triangle with base angles of 72 degrees and 36 degrees, with
the base line in golden ratio proportion to the similar side line
(1.618 and 2.618, respectively). These point forms the graphite point
of our pencil, representing precision and creativity.
Moving on to the body of the pencil, we borrow the shape of a
trapezium, with base angles of 72 degrees and top angles of 108
degrees. The height of the trapezium adheres to the golden ratio,
while the base line is double the golden height. This creates a sleek
and sophisticated silhouette, reflecting the professionalism of Draft
Edge Concepts Ltd.

To add a touch of elegance and innovation, we introduce an arc above
the graphite point, following the laws of the golden ratio ie a radius
of 2.584 .The circle from which the arc is borrowed, cuts through
the base points of the trapezium, creating a seamless integration of
shapes and proportions. This integration symbolizes the seamless
integration of drafting expertise and creative design solutions that
define Draft Edge Concepts Ltd.
Color and Typography: Reflecting Professionalism
In keeping with our corporate identity, our primary colors are blue
and navy blue, representing professionalism, trust, and reliability.
For the typography, we opt for a minimalist font style called IBM Plex
Sans for the superscript, symbolizing modernity and sophistication,
while Montserrat font style is used for the subheading, conveying a
sense of clarity and elegance.
Artistry Meets Branding
Designing a logo is more than just creating an image; it’s about
crafting a brand identity that resonates with your audience. By
incorporating mathematical principles and design vocabularies,
inspired by the drafting process, we have created a logo that is not
only visually appealing but also meaningful and relevant to Draft Edge
Concepts Ltd. It’s a symbol of our commitment to creativity,
precision, and innovation, and a testament to the artistry of logo